

We invite you to apply for Membership in our Club.


Any person 18 and over years old can request to join the Club. Membership is approved after the Application Form is filled out, Waiver signed, membership fees paid, and at the discretion of the Executive.

Minors under 18 years of age are permitted to participate in the Club’s activities with their parent/guardian taking full responsibility for their attendance and signing Waiver on their behalf.

Ramblers are required to sign and submit the current version of the Release of Liability Waiver Form for the Sheep River Ramblers Hiking Club (view here) before they can participate in any hikes or walks.

Membership Fee

The current annual membership is $25 per person per year. Payment can be made by eTransfer, cash or cheque.

Application Process

1. Complete and submit our online Membership Form using the link below.
Online Membership Request Form

You may also download this paper version of our membership request.

We do ask that you try the online version first – it’s pretty easy – as this will make it easier to get you signed up.

2. Your submitted form will be emailed to the Executive for review. At the same time, you will receive an email acknowledging your submission. A copy of the current Waiver will be attached to this email.

3. Once reviewed, you will receive an email from the Executive confirming your request and inviting you complete any other required Membership steps including options for paying your membership fee and submitting your signed Waiver.

4. Membership can also be completed with hike facilitators. For new members, download and print the paper Membership Request Form. Complete the form and give it to the hike hike facilitator along with your signed waiver. We will followup with options to pay your membership fee.

For membership renewals, give your signed waiver to the hike facilitator and submit your membership fee.

Annual Renewal Process

1. Club Memberships are renewed annually.

2. You will also be required to download, sign and submit the current version of the Waiver. You can download the current version using the link below.

Download Release of Liability Waiver Form for the Sheep River Ramblers Hiking Club.

SRRHC Facebook Group

Sheep River Ramblers Hiking Club has a Facebook group where we share information, photos from our outings and other pertinent things. This is a CLOSED group with its content only visible to the members.

To join, visit the group’s Facebook page and submit a request to join.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at